CNS Healthcare invites the community to share “signs that your life matters” during the fourth annual Plant Your Flag Campaign for Mental Health Awareness

CNS Healthcare invites the community to share “signs that your life matters” during the fourth annual Plant Your Flag Campaign for Mental Health Awareness

CNS Healthcare is encouraging the community to mark Mental Health Awareness Month by planting flags – and encouraging others to do the same – to show that mental health matters. These flags (yard signs) will display suicide prevention messages and crisis resources, encouraging people to ask for help and check in on loved ones. This year, the CNS Suicide Prevention Team and the Veterans Committee will participate to ensure an inclusive and comprehensive effort.

Individuals and businesses are encouraged to display signs in their yards, churches, or schools. Seeing signs in the community and outside every CNS Healthcare office will provide support and resources to those who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts and show that no one is alone in their mental health journey.

“Everyone has varying mental health needs, with some needs greater than others,” said Michele Reid, MD, vice president & COO. “Seeing communal support for mental health and suicide prevention ensures everyone that their needs are OK and can and will be met with respect and compassion. With PTSD and suicide continuing to impact our veterans, our awareness and responsiveness are imperative.”

Suggested messages include:

  • This is your SIGN. Your life matters!
  • In crisis? Help is available. Call/text 9-8-8
  • Veteran mental health matters!
  • Veterans Crisis Line: Dial 9-8-8 and press 1
  • Don’t battle alone! Ask for help!

Participants are encouraged to take a picture of their sign and share it on their social media page(s) with the hashtags #CNSHealthcareCares #ZeroSuicide or tag @CNSMichigan. Those without social media can share pictures of their design by emailing

Sign kits can be picked up at any CNS Healthcare office. Limited delivery is also available – please contact us at or 248-871-1505 for more information.

The campaign runs from May 1-31. For more information, visit