Call 2-1-1!
Michigan 2-1-1 connects people with information and resources to build healthy, safe communities.
The CNS Healthcare Crisis Intervention (CI) Program offers 24/7 on-call response, walk-ins during office hours or other means of face-to-face assessments or virtual care appointments. The crisis is assessed and immediate stabilization is offered either in-person, by phone or by contact with additional resources. Some of the resources include HAVEN, a domestic violence shelter, local police, ambulance services, Common Ground, community hospitals and 24-hour walk-in centers.
Planning for mental health care is a vital component of services. A CI plan is initially developed at intake, reviewed annually or may be revised at any time during treatment. If you have problems managing your life or lose your decision-making abilities your CI plan will be implemented.

Any planning action is completely voluntary. Once you decide your course of actions, the next step is relatively simple and inexpensive or free and can be part of your Person Centered Planning process.
Your case manager can help you determine when the plan should be updated, so your wishes and needs can be met.
Adults have the right, under Michigan law, to a Psychiatric Advance Directive (PAD) – a specific plan for your behavioral health. In the event, you are unable to make a decision about the kind of treatment you want or do not want during a crisis, PAD is a tool for making decisions before the crisis. This allows other people including family, friends, and service providers to know what you want when you cannot speak for yourself.
*Unauthorized use of pictures of consumers is a violation of Chapter 7 of the Michigan Mental Health Code, 1974
CNS Healthcare is funded in part by the following: